"I will live to carry Your compassion, To love a world that's broken, To be Your hands and feet. I will give with the life that I've been given and go beyond religion to see the world be changed, by the power of Your name." - Lincoln Brewster

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Happy New Year!! (A few months late)

So, it's March! I guess I need to do some updating...
Bryce turned 7 on January 4th. We had his birthday party at night around a bon-fire in our back yard. Boy was it cold! The kids roasted hot dogs & marshmallows & ran around with lightsticks all over the yard. They all had a great time.
Bryce always keeps me on my toes as a mother and teacher. I am constantly changing my discipline and tactics with him. I have always told anyone keeping him for any length of time that it's like Survivor- you must out-wit, out-play and out-last him. He has always been so "old" for his years- like a little man in a 7 year old body. I think he might be a lawyer one day since he is so smart and is always giving me counter offers- maybe a lawyer/drummer?
Music has always been a big part of his life. We were watching some old videos of him when he was two years old- playing the guitar and singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star." And then making up a song about Preston, who was only a few months old. Once when we were in the car listening to Raffi, I opened the door for him to get out of the Expedition at the Methodist Church for his 3 year old class and he said, "Wait a minute Mommy, I want to hear the violins that are about to play."

Preston still keeps us laughing all the time. He gets tickled over the silliest things, like saying, "Healthy Care High Chair." He will say it over and over and just keep laughing. He stays in "Preston Land" quite a bit. I have a page full of Preston quotes- I will share a few favorites:

"Dear Lord, please help us to eat Uncle Ralph at Bryce's birthday party. Amen"

"Dear Lord... um, no... never mind, Lord." (saying his prayers)

"Hey, stop it!! Quit following me!!"-Preston (talking to the helium balloon tied to his wrist)

"Daddy, Daddy, DADDDDDDDY!! Your little boy is calling you."

"Maddox is praising God!" (on Maddox raising his hands above his head)

"Mommy, why are you always talking to yourself?"

"Dear Lord, please help Guido stop having fun with the chickens and come home."
(our guinea fowl that ran away from home)

Maddox turned 1 on February 8. We had a family birthday party. Maddox had his own cake that he enjoyed tearing up and stuffing in his mouth. I think he would have eaten the whole thing if we had not taken it away. Maddox loves to eat. I think that if we kept feeding him, he would eat until he exploded because he will not stop eating unless you stop feeding him.

He is beginning to walk around pretty well. Everyday Preston says, "Maddox is taking his first steps!!!!" He is still eating anything he can find on the floor- leaves, earrings, lint, paper. He also likes to walk on his knees. I think he might be in the military one day because he has the army crawl and army roll down pretty well.

Monster Truck Jam
Having a house full of boys means many things...
*holes & stains in jeans
*the toilet seat always being left up
*loud talking
*the yard/world is their toilet
...and Monster Truck Jams!!!
The boys were excited about going to see the monster trucks. Once there, Preston decided it was too loud and scary for him (even with earplugs). Here is a classic picture from that night!