Have you ever wondered how Santa knows who is naughty and who is nice? Manny on a Fanny is a very special tool that helps Santa know who to put on the Naughty and Nice list.
An excellent listener and even better observer, this scout mannequin head is the eyes and ears of Santa Claus. Taking in all the day-to-day activities around the house, no good deed goes unnoticed; Manny takes his job seriously.
Each night, after the family goes to bed, Manny calls Santa on his cell to make his daily report. Since mannequin heads like to play games, don't expect to find Manny in the same spot the next day! He may be hiding in the washing machine or taking a dip in the tub. You never know where that Manny may end up!
On Christmas Eve, when Manny hears Santa's bells, he will give back his magically powered Santa hat until the next season, and become just a regular old mannequin head again.
Be on the look-out for new Manny updates & pictures. What could say, "Merry Christmas" more than a festive Manny on a Fanny?