Maddox is now 10 months old and such a joy to our family. He is also on the move!! Looking down at him from the balcony crawling around on the floor he looks like
Gollum from "Lord of the Rings." He's fast! His favorite past times include crawling, clapping, pulling hair, and last, but certainly not least, eating. Before we went to Toronto, I had an awful time trying to get him to take a bottle. I had to instruct my mother to hold him in cradle position, with one hand hold his hands down, and with the other hand pry his mouth open and shove the bottle in. It was quite a scene- he acted as if we were trying to feed him poison. So-he hates formula but he loves paper, lint, and anything else he can find on the floor. Some things I have pulled from his mouth to date: paper-clip, marble, ladybug, used dryer sheet,
Christmas tree limbs, and, of course, paper is his favorite. He likes to eat the tissue paper from presents and any kind of paper from Bryce's desk- spelling words are the tastiest! I think he has Superman's x-ray vision
because he can see even the tiniest piece of nothing on the floor to sample. He is our little Raburn goat!
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