Well, the biggest news we have is that we are expecting baby #4 in early July. The boys are very excited. The reaction from everyone else has been: "WHAT???" "Congratulations" "How did that happen?" Most people are hoping for a girl for us but we will be happy with either. Personally, I have gotten used to boys and another one would be just fine with me. I'm not sure I would know how to fix a little girl's hair. With the boys, I just slap on some water and run a brush through it and they're ready to go.
I have decided that Kids First Pediatrics should just draft our checking account each month because we have been in the Doctor's office every other week since school started. Ear Infections, Sinus infections, Strep Throat... oh, my! Maddox is going to have to get tubes in his ears and his adenoids taken out in January. The enlarged adenoids would explain why he is a mouth breather, drools constantly, and sounds like Darth Vader while sleeping.
For Fall Break in October we went to Cherokee, NC and then on to Gatlinburg, TN for a few days. When we left, Preston was recovering from Strep Throat and by the time we got back home Maddox had it. We went to the Dixie Stampede to eat supper one night. It was full of horses, big hair, big dresses, food you eat with your hands, and lots of red, white, and blue. It was quite an experience... yee-haw!
Clint was busy until late November with football season. The Baldwin Braves were undefeated this season and were just two games away from the Georgia Dome when they lost. The Jazz Band is playing on a Carnival Cruise Ship to Cozumel and Grand Cayman during Spring Break. I will not be able to go because they will not allow pregnant women that are past 21 weeks on the ship. And I doubt I could sneak by because I'm always really large when I'm pregnant! Clint is also working on finishing our bonus room above the garage so we can move the computer and office stuff in there to free up a room for the new baby. If anyone wants to drop by and help out I'm sure he'd love some help and company!

Preston is enjoying Kindergarten. Every night he prays for his teachers,

A few new Preston quotes:
- "Bryce, remember when Maddox was born and we looked on his belly button and it had a tag on it?" (11/2008)
- "Mommy where is the fire? Aren't we in the Smokey Mountains? So where is the fire that is supposed to be on top of the mountains? (10/2008)
- "This is God's bathtub. Nobody can take a bath in it except for God!" (talking about the baptistry at church- 12/2008)
- "Mrs. Wood! The toilet is sneezing!" (talking about the urinal at school)
- "The toilet smells like bacon!" (evidently he has a fascination with the urinals at school- I guess the toilet could smell like worse things)

Another favorite past time is putting my underwear over his head

Merry Christmas!!!! May it be filled with much love and laughter!!
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