Bryce loves to eat school lunch. I make Preston's lunch everyday but Bryce asks to eat school lunch! I asked him the other day if he has been saying a blessing before he eats and he said he did. This is a conversation he told me about at lunch one day after he had bowed his head to say a blessing:
"Whatcha' you doin', Bryce?"(Bryce's friend at lunch)
"I'm praying" (Bryce)
"You don't have to do that." (friend)
"But I'm a Christian so I do!" (Bryce)

Preston started Kindergarten this year. He is learning to write his name which has brought many tears during homework time. He is really struggling with the "s" in Preston but we're working on it!
Some new quotes from Preston:
- Jesus is going to come back to life at our Easter Egg Hunt!"
- "Mommy, why did you choose to live here In Georgia? I wanted to live in North Dakota where it snows!" -Preston (8-08)
- "Pull my fingers and tell me which one is your favorite!" (to his little friends Eliana & Bekah)
- "Maddox has tiny feet but a sure big head!" - (July '08)"
- Mommy, did you get these shells from the beach?" (while we were eating Velveeta Shells & Cheese)
- My favorite vegetable is meat!!!
- Braedon has the chicken pops. Maybe a chicken popped him!!
- While we were camping, I was talking to my Mom on the phone asking her to check the doppler radar to find out when it would stop raining. When I hung up Preston asked, "Was that God?"
- "You smell like meat! My friend Gus smells like syrup!"
Maddox is our dancing chef. He loves to dance and play with kitchen utensils. His other favorite past times are eating crayons, looking at books, putting on Bryce & Preston's crocks and tromping through the house. Maddox loves any kind of animal, especially dogs and cows. When he sees a dog he will chase it saying, "puppy, puppy" and willl not leave it alone until the dog finally runs and hides. Then Maddox will hunt it down, stand at the hiding place calling it in a high pitched voice. Dogs now run when they see him coming.
If you haven't been around Maddox lately, I must tell you about a serious problem that he has- drooling. I have to change his shirt 3 times a day because it gets soaked. And I do not mean a little damp but dripping wet!! We kept thinking it was teething. But I think it was my Mom who had an epiphany one day while looking at him all wet and slimy-- he never closes his mouth! His bottom lip just sticks out like Bubba in the Forest Gump movie. And slobber is just always dripping, dribbling, rolling down that fat little lip. So we're all hoping that he will one day learn to swallow or his high school years will be full of teasing and no girl will want such a big, fat, juicy, slimy kiss. Maybe that's good for us, right?
He's such a joy to us all! Here is a little clip of the drooling and dancing for all to enjoy:
1 comment:
I loved reading about your boys! That video of Maddox was so funny!! I love you!
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