"I will live to carry Your compassion, To love a world that's broken, To be Your hands and feet. I will give with the life that I've been given and go beyond religion to see the world be changed, by the power of Your name." - Lincoln Brewster

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Manny on a Fanny

Have you ever wondered how Santa knows who is naughty and who is nice? Manny on a Fanny is a very special tool that helps Santa know who to put on the Naughty and Nice list.

An excellent listener and even better observer, this scout mannequin head is the eyes and ears of Santa Claus. Taking in all the day-to-day activities around the house, no good deed goes unnoticed; Manny takes his job seriously.
Each night, after the family goes to bed, Manny calls Santa on his cell to make his daily report. Since mannequin heads like to play games, don't expect to find Manny in the same spot the next day! He may be hiding in the washing machine or taking a dip in the tub. You never know where that Manny may end up! 
On Christmas Eve, when Manny hears Santa's bells, he will give back his magically powered Santa hat until the next season, and become just a regular old mannequin head again.
Be on the look-out for new Manny updates & pictures. What could say, "Merry Christmas" more than a festive Manny on a Fanny?

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Make Mine the Poo-Poo Platter- Now THAT'S a Bad Day!!

Warning: This post may include too much information. If you are sensitive to potty stories, stop reading now. Out of respect for all things good, I will not include any pictures with this post.

So this morning started like any other- the sun came up & Jude began yelling, "Can somebody get me outta my bed?!! It's always more of a demand than a question. He can actually get out of his toddler bed by himself, but he won't until someone opens his door. He then started yelling, "I need to tee-tee." I broke my own rule and let him use my toilet. (This is the one toilet in the house that is mine. I do not use the others in the house because there is always pee on the seat or the lid is up. No one is allowed to use my toilet but me and Clint).  I took off his Pull-up and sat in on the window sill. As I was flushing the toilet, my arm hit the Pull-up, it fell off the window sill right into the toilet during the last flushing suction. It disappeared out of sight.  I reached in my hand. It was gone.

Next, I did what I always do when I don't know what to do- I called Clint. He said it might have gone on down since it was smaller than a diaper and we would be able to tell in a few days (we have a septic tank). I was satisfied with that answer.

A little while later,  I "had to drop some kids off at the pool." I used my toilet. When I flushed it, it filled up to the rim. I knew then that the pull-up was down there stuck somewhere, clogging up the system. I called Clint. Of course, he laughed at me and scolded me saying, "Why did you poop in the toilet knowing that you had just flushed a Pull-up down it?"  I replied,  "I don't know. Maybe because I'm an idiot?"  I used the plunger as instructed- nothing. I said, "It stinks really bad."  Clint replied, "I am sure it does. I have not ever smelled any that didn't."  Comedian. Clint said we would have to call a plumber and he would have to probably unhook the toilet because the pull-up might be stuck where the toilet and pipe meet. So some man I have never met would have to come and see and dig through a toilet bowl full of my poop? And I would have to explain my idiotness to him? How utterly embarrassing!

I then got a plastic cup and began scooping the contents of the toilet into a little bucket. I told Clint I would pour it on his tomato bushes. He did not think that was funny. After carrying out 3 bucketfuls of filth and lots of gagging in between, I was at the bottom.  I was determined not to call a plumber. First, it would be costing our family a needless expense, all because of me. Second, I was determined that some stranger was not going to have to dig around in my poo. I kept this all in mind as I reached my arm up to my elbow into the innards of the toilet. It was then I felt it- the bulging Pull-up, stuck down there, taunting me.

I knew it was time for battle. I called Clint again. He wished me a strong stomach & said, "Be sure to get your phone far away from the toilet." Dang-it- he does know me so well!  I put the phone on the counter & began playing the song "Beautiful Things" as I mentally prepared myself.  I was ready. I took a breath, put on a bandanna, reached down and pulled. It did not move. One of the boys came in to the bathroom to tattle on another. I yelled, "Do not disturb me unless someone is bleeding profusely or the possibility of death is imminent!" I reached my hand in again. I gagged. Bryce came in, "Are you ok?"  Me- "No! I am not. I am digging around in my own poop! Now thank you very much for your concern. Go away!"

I reached in again. I got my pointer finger around the bottom of the pull-up and yanked. It moved a little. I breathed like they tell you to do when you are in labor. I pulled. It moved a little more. After a few minutes of pulling, gagging, & breathing, out came the full Pull-up. I rejoiced & gagged some more. I washed my arm with soap. Then washed it with vinegar for a full two minutes.  I used dish washing soap & scrubbed like I was going into surgery. I think my right arm is a shade lighter than my left because of all the skin I scrubbed of of it.

I called Clint. He was proud of my accomplishment & the money I saved our family.  I have fought the good fight today. I feel as if I can conquer anything- now onto Mount Laundry-More.


Monday, June 4, 2012

Legoland- A Picturementary

Since I have had a few people ask me about Legoland Atlanta, I thought I would just post the details  of our experience.  Our family went a week ago for Preston's birthday. These are my thoughts and observations.
We purchased our tickets online and the earliest time we could get for that day was  noon. After entering, they moved us into a holding area where there are some Lego bricks, scales, etc., and an employee told facts about Legos. Then the doors open and you stand in a line (it was short when we arrived) for a ride to get inside. They were not letting people with strollers get on the ride, they had to go around. The ride seats 4 and you have a laser gun to shoot Lego things as you move through. This was fun and the only drawback is that you can only ride it once. Preston was asking to ride it again but we couldn't since it only goes one way.
Things to do inside:
  • Play area & slide (2-5 year olds)- This area had a big "sand box" full of big foam Lego blocks. The two little boys enjoyed this area and played there awhile.
  • Mini-Land of Atlanta- This was a big room full of Atlanta famous places and attractions made entirely out of Legos. The boys all enjoyed this room. You could not touch anything, but there was lots to look at. Jude (almost 3 years old) even liked this room. We went in when we arrived and before we left. There was a lot to see.
  • Ride- I cannot remember the name of it. It was a two-seater and went up and down depending on how fast you pedaled. You must be over 3 feet tall to ride and those 4 feet and under had to ride with a parent. The line took about 15 minutes. There were little Lego tables to play with towards the back of the line while the kids waited.
  • Lego Master Builder Academy- new ones starts every 30 minutes. Kids get to go in (without adults) and build things around a 4-person Lego table. I don't know if they were given any instructions or not. When I asked Preston what the instructor said, he said, "Make whatever you want."  I took a picture of their creation, but of course, they had to leave it there.
  • Build-a-Car Tracks- Kids could build a large or small Lego car and roll it on a big track. This was Jude's favorite thing.
  • Girl Section- It was pink. Had some building tables. There was a Karaoke stage but no microphone to sing into. Kids could choose from a selection of annoying songs to sing along with. On stage. With no microphone. In my opinion, the girl section seemed like they just made it so they could say there was a girl section.
  • Movie Theatre- I think there were 3 different movies. They rotated playing them every 20 minutes or so. The movie was 4D- you had 3D glasses and you got lightly sprayed with water, wind, and snow. The older boys liked it. There were a few parts that scared Jude but he scares easily anyway.
  • Playground Area- Kids must have socks to play inside.  Adults are not allowed inside. Chick-Fil-A playground x 5. There is an employee who monitors the playground and when it reaches maximum capacity, she does not allow anymore children inside. A line forms. The employees clears the play area. Kids leaving can go to the back of the line and go back in. All the boys liked this area. Preston got tired of it more quickly than the others. Outside the playground area, there are a few stools scattered around for parents.
  • Foam Pools- There are small foam pools full of Legos (about the size of the turtle sandboxes) scattered throughout the area. Kids can sit by them or in them and play.
  • City Building Table- I wasn't sure what to call this area. It is a large table with a few building areas. The kids are supposed to build a Lego building that can withstand an earthquake. The kids build on a platform, then they can turn a knob and the whole platform will shake. Maddox (age 5) really liked this area.
  • Cafe- Area that has tables and chairs and food. Nachos were $3. Sandwiches were $3. They had a meal deal for hotdogs (4 hotdogs, 4 sodas, 4 chips) for $15. There was a pizza meal deal (pizza, 4 sodas, 4 chips) for $15. I recommend eating before you go in. We did not buy food but we spent $15 on 3 Dasani waters. We ate at the Johnny Rockets which is right in front of the entrance then entered Legoland at 12 noon.
  • Exit- You exit into the Lego store, of course!
We purchased tickets online instead of at the door which saved us about $10 in all.
I am cheap, so to me, all kid's amusement activities are over-priced. We have 6 people in our family so the ticket prices add up. I would not go back every month but it would be worth it once a year since Preston loves Legos.
Baby Friendliness
To me, the area would be difficult to navigate with a big stroller. A small, umbrella stroller would be better. I did not see any nursing rooms.
They get an A for cleanliness. The bathrooms were clean. They have a men's, women's, and one family bathroom. There were employees that walked around inside Legoland picking up trash as well as Legos. There were a few hand sanitizer dispensers throughout the area.
It was a safe environment. Anyone can pay to come in, though, so keep in mind it could be a good place for a child predator. I would like it better if they would stamp your hands and then check them to make sure they match the parents when you are leaving.

Overall, Legoland was a good experience. The boys all had a great time. Here are a few pictures:


Saturday, February 11, 2012

5 Years of Maddox

Maddox turned 5 years old yesterday. He came into the world in a rush at 12:51am- no doctor or nurse there to catch him. No pictures or videos snapping the moment. No family eagerly awaiting his arrival in the lobby. He came before any of us were ready for him.  His little body was blue and still. I held my breath. Time seemed to move so slowly...waiting to hear the welcome sound of his first cry. Nothing. I had never heard Clint yell at anyone before like he did the nurses. They frantically massaged his body and suctioned his mouth and nose.  Finally, he made a sneezing sound and then we heard the glorious sounds of his first cries!  The doctor arrived 7 minutes later.

Although he was in a rush to arrive, he has always been a  laid back and go-with-the flow kid.  Maddox is our child that was content in the arms of anyone.  He is goofy, tender, gentle, wild, and cuddly. He had a drool gland that seemed to work overtime and soak all of his clothes. He would crawl by holding his head down like a battering ram and then kick it into super-speed.  He still makes silly faces and loves to cook. It has been a joy seeing him grow, change, and still stay the same.

Proud to be Maddox's Mommy,

"It was on my fifth birthday that Papa put his hand on my shoulder and said, 'Remember, my son, if you ever need a helping hand, you'll find one at the end of your arm.'" -Sam Levenson

Friday, January 20, 2012

Love Never Fails

This week I have thought a great deal about how truly difficult it is to really love others. Loving people like I am supposed to is a very hard thing. In English we use the word "love" to encompass many things. We use it to talk about clothes, candy, cars, people, etc.  In the Greek language there are 4 words that mean love:
  • philia - the love of close friends or brothers         
  • storge - the love of family
  • eros - carnal or sexual love
  • agape - love which seeks the highest good of others; not just friends, family, or brethren, but even enemies       
Agape love is the one that is commanded of us.  It:
  • Does not depend upon the one being loved as having earned such love
  •  Is not an exclusive love (brothers only), but an all-embracing benevolence
  •  Is not an uncontrolled reaction of the heart, but a concentrated exercise of will
  •  Is a caring love, one which becomes involved in the needs of others
A simple definition of agape love would be "active good will".

Lately, I have had to remind myself quite often that God has commanded me to obey Him by loving others His way.  In that command, He has not promised me that others will show me gratitude for it, or listen to me, or take my advice or help. There are many things I will do for others that will feel like a waste of time. People will wad up my hard work and my love and throw it away. But one thing that has kept me going this week are those 3 little words in the beginning of 1 Corinthians 13:8. I have said "Love never fails" to myself many times these past few days.

Why does "love never fail?"  It never fails because even if others do not catch the love I put out there, God does. The love I show others will never be wasted because He sees, He appreciates, He catches it.

God has called us to be lovers and we frequently think that He meant us to be saviors.  So we “love” as long as we see “results.”  We give of ourselves as long as our investments pay off, but if the ones we love do not respond; we tend to despair and blame ourselves and even resent those we pretend to love.  Because we love someone, we want them to be free of addictions, of sin, of self- and that is as it should be.  But it might be that our love for them and our desire for their well-being will not make them well. And, if that is the case, their lack of response no more negates the reality of love than their quickness to respond would confirm it.
-Rich Mullins

I will not try to take His job. He is in the business of changing lives, not me. I will listen to His calling. I will not resent others when they do not listen to me or clap for me and say, "thank you."  I will show active goodwill.  I will go out of my way to help others when He calls me to do it. I will continue to love even when I don't see results because I know that LOVE NEVER FAILS!!

Lover not a Savior,

Friday, January 13, 2012

The $5 Promise

The other day Clint and I had a long discussion about finances. In June, we lost some income since we no longer have our part-time jobs due to FCC & Northridge merging.  We talked about how to bring in extra income, ways to cut back, and things we can do to manage our money better. Money can cause great worry and trepidation- unexpected hospital bills, insurance premiums going up, salary going down because of furloughs, the boys are eating more, they need clothes without holes, they need money for camp, the list goes on and on.  We decided to pray about it for a few weeks and see what doors God would open for us instead of jumping into any hasty decisions.
A few days later I opened my Bible to read some suggested scriptures that were in our church bulletin.  I turned to Deuteronomy 28:1-12, and on that exact page in my Bible were 5  $1 bills. This is what the scripture said:

“If you fully obey the LORD your God and carefully keep all his commands that I am giving you today, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations of the world. 2 You will experience all these blessings if you obey the LORD your God:
3 Your towns and your fields will be blessed.
4 Your children and your crops will be blessed.
  The offspring of your herds and flocks will be blessed.
5 Your fruit baskets and breadboards will be blessed.
6 Wherever you go and whatever you do, you will be blessed.
7 “The LORD will conquer your enemies when they attack you. They will attack you from one direction, but they will scatter from you in seven! 8 “The LORD will guarantee a blessing on everything you do and will fill your storehouses with grain. The LORD your God will bless you in the land he is giving you.
9 “If you obey the commands of the LORD your God and walk in his ways, the LORD will establish you as his holy people as he swore he would do. 10 Then all the nations of the world will see that you are a people claimed by the LORD, and they will stand in awe of you.
11 “The LORD will give you prosperity in the land he swore to your ancestors to give you, blessing you with many children, numerous livestock, and abundant crops. 12 The LORD will send rain at the proper time from his rich treasury in the heavens and will bless all the work you do. You will lend to many nations, but you will never need to borrow from them.

I am sure I put those $1 bills in my Bible for some reason long ago, although I could not remember when or why. But how cool was it that they were on the exact page that contained the promise I so needed to hear at that moment?!?! God was reminding me that He is faithful and He will provide us with the things we need if we keep being obedient and trusting in Him. 

"The LORD will send rain at the proper time"-oh, how difficult it is to trust in God's proper time. I am a planner. I am an organizer.  That day I was in need of being reminded that God is too. His planning and His organization set the universe in motion and He knows what He is doing. Now I will do my part and be obedient to Him as He does what He has promised.

"When the train goes through a tunnel and the world gets dark, do you jump out? 
Of course not.  You sit still and trust the engineer to get you through."
-Corrie ten Boom

Trusting the Engineer,

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2001- The Great Parenting Experiment Began

11 years ago my world was rocked and my life was completely changed for the better. 11 years ago today, I became a Mom. I remember the excitement we felt finding out we were having a baby.  I kept a pregnancy journal and recorded my weight and measurements. I couldn't wait to wear maternity clothes. My good friend Heather was pregnant at the same time and it was so fun comparing bodies and planning for motherhood together.  Clint starting putting headphones on my belly as soon as we knew the baby could hear in the womb at about 16 weeks. The baby was listening to Mozart every night, and then praise music on stage at church every Sunday morning and Sunday night.                                     

Clint and I were living in a little one-bedroom apartment on the side of my parents' house. We put together the crib, got all the clothes ready, put up the mobile and waited. And waited. And waited.   My due date was December 28. I was huge. Every time anyone saw me they would ask, "You haven't had that baby yet?"  We even had to put a message on our answering machine saying, "Leave your name, number, and NO, we have not had the baby yet!"  Finally, on January 3 I was induced.   We brought two outfits to the hospital- one for a girl and one for a boy. Our family was in the waiting room and when Bryce was born at 10:07 am on January 4, our mothers skipped down the hall holding hands to announce to our family," It's a boy!"  The nurses then let everyone back in the delivery room and we all held hands and our minister, John DuBose, said a prayer. Love was overflowing from that room.

It was then that the great parenting experiment began for us- and oh what a journey it has been! He did not sleep in that beautifully prepared crib. In fact, he did not sleep through the night the first month he was home. After that, the only place he would go to sleep at night was in the bouncy seat beside our bed. It was a wonderful year of firsts- smile, bath, teeth, rolling over, shots, pulling up, ear infection, taking steps, bumps & bruises. All those are such cherished memories! How we both have grown and changed since then!

Bryce means "alert & ambitious." He has definitely lived up to his name. He is smart, caring, funny, argumentative, hard-headed, loving, and passionately musical. He keeps me on my toes and has me changing my parenting tactics all the time. On January 14, 2001 we formally dedicated him to the Lord in the presence of our church family. Thank you to all who helped teach him, love him, babysit him, dance and sing with him, march around, pick grass with him, & encourage him thus far.

Ephesians 3:14-21- When I think of all this, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father, the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth. I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong.  And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.
 Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.  Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen.

Much love,

There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. 
There are seven million. 
~Walt Streightiff 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Hello 2012

2011 was quite a year! Some highlights:
  • Clint won Teacher of the Year for the school and the county
  • Bryce got a perfect score on his piano guild competition- the only one of 70+ students who made a perfect score.
  • Preston broke his arm jumping from one big hay bale to the other.
  • Maddox started Pre-K.
  • Jude turned 2 and began really talking and becoming his own little person- very determined, loving, and independent.!
This summer of  2011 closed one chapter of my life and opened another.  In May, our congregation voted to fit into a bigger part of God's plan and join together with Northridge Christian Church and use the FCC church building as an outreach to college students. I was against this plan at first for many reasons. But as time passed and I prayed and listened, God softened my heart and I slowly began to agree with the idea.     

June 26 was our last church service at First Christian Church. My Mom got a job playing the piano there when I was 8 years old. She would get there early, before anyone else, so she could practice the organ. I remember the click of her shoes and the sound of the music filling the room. I was baptized there, married there, and all of our children were dedicated to the Lord in that building. First Christian people taught me about Jesus, about love, & about the importance of a church family.

On July 3, we began going to our "new" church as the boys called it. For about 8 weeks, I would cry either on the way to church, during church, or on the way back from church. Even though I knew this was God's will, it was still very hard. Each week on the way to church we would play  "Stronger" and "Like a Lion."  These were my theme songs for the summer and fall.

"When the waves are taking you under
Hold on just a little bit longer
He knows that this is gonna make you stronger, stronger
The pain ain't gonna last forever
And things can only get better
Believe me
This is gonna make you stronger"

If I had to give 2011 a name, I would call it "The Year of God's Faithfulness."  Not because He was only faithful this past year, but because I learned about His faithfulness and learned to trust it this year more then any other thus far. I learned that living for Him is not about my comfort or sentimentality, but about how He can best use us and the resources we have to further His Kingdom. I am resolved to no  longer whine and complain about things that really do not matter when there are people dying every day for the cause of Christ.

I have chosen Colossians 3:12-14 to be my theme verse for this year. I am working on memorizing it and learning how to really dress in the wardrobe of God's love in 2012.

"So, chosen by God for this new life of love, dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you: compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline. Be even-tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive an offense. Forgive as quickly and completely as the Master forgave you. And regardless of what else you put on, wear love. It's your basic, all-purpose garment. Never be without it." -Colossians 3:12-14

I will try to update the blog more this year. I was about to delete it because it has been so long since I updated, but my heart is full of excitement for the new year and the adventures it will bring. I hope to do better about sharing this year. Thanks to all of you who have blessed my life.


"I am a Christian, not because someone explained the nuts and bolts of Christianity to me,
but because there were people willing to be nuts and bolts." -Rich Mullins